I Want a New House! — I helped my friend and excellent house remodeling contractor Joe Prin write this book. For anyone thinking about buying or building a new house, even if someone’s lived in it before, you MUST read this book. Joe has seen all sides of the process, even spending years remodeling his own home, and so he’s telling it to you straight. If you want fluff and fuzzy feelings, read a different book; if you want to know how it REALLY is, this is the book for you! Go to www.joeprin.com.
The subtitle of this book is, “An entertaining and educational must-do for anyone even thinking about a new home. Really.” And Joe means it. He’s seen the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of buying, building, or remodeling a home. One of the best pieces of advice in the book is to build a notebook as you go along through the process. There are plenty of details in Joe’s book on the things to include in YOUR notebook. Why would you want to have a resource notebook? Why not do everything you can to make it the best home you can!
HINT: Copy the Resource Directory in the book to create your own list of resources for everything you’ll need around the house — even if you’re not moving for another 20 years!!!
The book on Joe Prin’s website — print version is $19.95; PDF version is $9.99 — originally printed in 2009; updated for 2014!
The book at Blurb.com — three print versions are currently available: Softcover; Hardcover, Dust Jacket; Hardcover, ImageWrap