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The second book I ever wrote (Parables for Life in the 21st Century was the first one) was a small book that I titled 50 Questions I wish I’d asked my Dad (no longer in print due to contractual obligations). The story behind the book is that my dad and grandfather were killed by a drunken driver when I was only 16, and it was some forty years later that it hit me that there were so many questions I was never able to ask him. I assembled these questions, and a few from friends around the country, into a book that I took to a major publishing conference in New York City. The first time I saw the printed book was in New York and it was on the day that would have been Dad’s 90th birthday.
While at the conference, I met a well-published author named Robyn Freedman Spizman from Atlanta, Georgia. She and her publisher liked the concept of the book, we shook hands, and we ended up with a 3-book national contract — those books are the Questions to Bring You Closer series below, each with 100+ conversation starters to help you preserve the legacy of family.
Shortly after Mom passed away at age 94, I followed up those books with a heartwarming collection of over five dozen stories and sayings from people all over (celebrities, pro athletes, military heroes, everyday people) — stories and sayings about their Mom & Dad.
> remembering our parents … Stories and Sayings from Mom and Dad
> Questions to Bring You Closer to Dad
> Questions to Bring You Closer to Mom
> Questions to Bring You Closer to Grandma & Grandpa
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My mom passed away in January 2012, at age 94. I had the concept of this book two months later at another publishing conference, and it was published in October of that same year. She was always supportive of me (I was the youngest of three), and I think that is one piece of her legacy that I will always remember.
ISBN: 978-0-9771727-5-7
The book on Amazon — print version only
Directly from the author – Price $10.00 Click the “Add to Cart” button to buy it directly from the author — you don’t have to be a PayPal member to use this service; use your credit card and earn points or miles.
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I know I’m not the only one to lose their Dad at an early age — I’m fortunate because some never even knew their Dad! Don’t let your dad’s own childhood and favorite things become distant memories; preserve them today while you can! This book will strengthen your relationship and provide the answers to those questions you will regret if you don’t ask them. When I’ve asked people what they’d asked their dad, the most popular question was, “Are you proud of me?”
ISBN: 978-1-59869-282-2
Directly from the author – Price $10.00 – Click the “Add to Cart” button to buy it directly from the author — you don’t have to be a PayPal member to use this service; use your credit card and earn points or miles.
(You can visit various pages and add items to your shopping cart before checking out — click the “View Cart” button on any page to see what’s in your cart.)
The book on Amazon — print and Kindle versions
When I would ask my mom a question, I knew the answer wouldn’t necessarily be related to the question. But it got her talking (that itself was never an issue) about her childhood, telling me things that I’d never heard before. One time I asked about her favorite dessert , and she talked on and on about one particular summer outing with all her cousins in Nebraska. The shine in her eyes told me she was reliving it as if it were occurring right then — that’s the value of starting a conversation!
ISBN: 978-1-59869-478-9
The book on Amazon — print and Kindle versions
Directly from the author – Price $10.00 – Click the “Add to Cart” button to buy it directly from the author — you don’t have to be a PayPal member to use this service; use your credit card and earn points or miles.
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Learn about the eldest generation in your family with whom you still have connections by asking them interesting and meaningful questions, such as What do you think made our family special that you hope is carried on the next generation? Or, When/where did you meet Grandma/Grandpa, and what did you do on your first date?
ISBN: 978-1-59869-480-2
The book on Amazon — print and Kindle versions
Directly from the author – Price $10.00 – Click the “Add to Cart” button to buy it directly from the author — you don’t have to be a PayPal member to use this service; use your credit card and earn points or
(You can visit various pages and add items to your shopping cart before checking out — click the “View Cart” button on any page to see what’s in your cart.)