Questions to Bring You Closer to Mom — Similar to the “Dad book” in that types of Mom are listed and defined, I used this book as a way of starting conversations with my mom when she was in her 90s. If you’re not sure how to begin that conversation, use the book as an excuse to get started. Just say, Hey, Mom. I got this book and I’d like to ask you a question from it; would that be okay? It will be more than okay — she will soon be asking you, When are we going to get around to answering more of those questions from that book? Believe me, it works!
When I would ask my mom a question, I knew the answer wouldn’t necessarily be related to the question. But it got her talking (that itself was never an issue) about her childhood, telling me things that I’d never heard before. One time I asked about her favorite dessert , and she talked on and on about one particular summer outing with all her cousins in Nebraska. The shine in her eyes told me she was reliving it as if it were occurring right then — that’s the value of starting a conversation!
ISBN: 978-1-59869-478-9
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